
Block copolymers self-assembly

Block copolymers (BCP) are a type of copolymer with two or more chemically distinct homopolymer blocks that are connected by a covalent bond. BCPs self assembles through microphase separation to form diverse structures used in a wide range of applications. Recently, the self-assembly of block copolymers has gained attention. BCP self-assemblies were used mainly in the semiconductor industry, manufacturing of nonvolatile memory devices, bit patterned media, fin-field effect transistors (FinFETs), lithium batteries, photonic nano-devices, solar cells, tissue engineering chemical and biological sensors, retinal implants, ultrafiltration membranes, implantable flexible nerve electrodes (IFNEs) and drug delivery. Block copolymer’s self-assembly in nanolithography advancement made it possible to implant an electronic chip that mimics cellular function into the human body. As a result of its high throughput, high efficiency, excellent scaLaboratoryility, low-cost conductor process, directed self-assembly of block copolymers ..(DSA) is one of the most popular techniques for manufacturing nanodevices with feature sizes varying from 5 to 100 nm. 

Active implantable medical electronics must possess good mechanical and mechanical properties, such as being small, light, and biocompatible, low power consumption, and minimal immunological reactions during long-term implantation. This is achieved through high-density implantable packaging, flexible microelectrode arrays, and high-performance coating materials for retinal stimulation are crucial to achieving high resolution, which is enabled by BCP’s expertise in advanced lithography and tissue engineering. Polystyrene block polymethyl methacrylate with a narrow polydispersity index has been produced and commercially avaiLaboratoryle for many years. Some of the most famous suppliers of this kind of BCP include Merck, Polymersource, and Sigma-Aldrich. IBM, MIT, the Seagate research center, Leibniz institute, KIAIST, the Austin university, the University of California, the University of Minnesota, and many others have conducted extensive research in this field of science.

 Our Laboratory has conducted several studies to improve control over feature size, defects inhalation, thin film uniformity, large-scale production, and pattern structures by adjusting factors such as polymerization degree, block volume fraction, the Flory Huggins interaction parameter of two blocks, thin film thickness and annealing process conditions. However; there is evidence that lower molecular weight distribution and higher interaction parameters of two blocks can reduce defects such as line edge roughness (LER) and line with roughness (LWR). In our Laboratory, we have been able to fabricate large-scale, defect-free, sub 10 nm patterns (40×40 microns) of self-assembled BCPs, by evaluating microwave irradiation, solvent annealing, graphoepitaxy (microlithography-aided block copolymer self-assembly), and chemoepitaxy (engineering of the surface energy) processes. Moreover, we have synthesized and characterized different BCPs by controlled radical polymerization techniques, especially atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) in the Kimia Laboratory. Monodispersed 50 nanometers of gold nanoarrays were successfully deposited uniformly on the top of wafer silicones after dry ion etching (DRIE) using the BCP template. Thin films were fabricated using different annealing processes and ordered structures were evaluated using surface characterization methods such as transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. 

South Kimia Orang is an Iranian limited liability company that has recruited the most experienced talented Ph.D. and master experts and is guided by experienced directors who have proven themselves in the chemical market work with them many leading Iranian universities and industries The core of our company is research and market advanced materials. The company's Laboratoryoratory is equipped with various devices and systems for the production and synthesis of nanoscale and polymer materials ranging from vacuums ovens, glass reactors, precisely programmable heater stirrers, overhead mixer, Laboratory chemical hoods, spin coaters, furnace, ultrasonic prob, ultrasonic bath, microscope, centrifuges, various steel and glass instruments which were developed in our Laboratory for precise synthesis and chemical reactions, Schlenk line, electric scales with an accuracy of 3 and 4 decimal places, glove box, pure nitrogen, and argon gas capsules, etc. It’s our privilege for us to be in touch with renowned universities, and we have been awarded as the best province researchers. We have accomplished several research projects ranging from the fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces, graphene, and graphene oxide preparations, water treatment materials production such as various polymeric and biodegradable flocculants, activated carbons, sub 10 nm polymeric patterns for nanolithography, etc.

